Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pregnancy Update!

Here's the update....I'm STILL pregnant! Ta Da! I'm as big as a house(or an elephant depends on the day), I'm tired of waddling, and I miss seeing my toes. I went to the doctor yesterday and I told him that if I wasn't at least dilated to a 4 I just might cry. He told me that he couldn't handle when women cried, so I better not. I'm only to a 3...Woo Hoo! (Yes that is sarcasm)! I'm finished(if only baby Nate would agree all would be well), I'm ready for the next stage. Although when I really think about it, I do still sleep somewhat! So there is the update, I'm still gaining weight(I try to focus that this means he is growing), and he's in no hurry! My mother-in-law's compassionate words were "Just remember, boys are slower!"