Ahhh, yes! They are finally here again! I absolutely L-O-V-E this time of year! Back to schedules, set times and places for my kids to be, and things to do! I am not a schedule maker, but if someone else does it and my kids have to be part of it...wonderful! I know some moms are happy to get rid of their kids again for the school year, that's not it for me! I miss them, but they now have a set "purpose" for the next 9 months! And they grow so much! I love every new school year! The excitement of the "new"! My children don't share my excitement! Kassidy was V-E-R-Y nervous for the first day (she's a worrier any way), and
Emma didn't think that she wanted to leave her mommy EVERY day! I thought that I'd have a hard time with that too! But all is well! Kass started on 8/20 and Emma on 8/21(yes, the same day I turned 30 gulp)! And they survived the first week, except when Emma walked in after school Friday. The first thing out of her mouth was "I am so excited for tomorrow, there is no school!" That crazy girl! So here we are started on a new week and they still have Smiles!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago